Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Cisco CCNA-1 Chapter 1

bener-bener enggak sia-sia gua seharian d dpan leptop nyari bahan ujian cisco CCNA-1, haha ternyata soalnnya percis g menyimpang jauh dari bahan yang gua dapet dari seorang temen sekedar share aja inilah soal-soal yang baru gua kerjain sekitar 30 menitan yang lalu :D, kurang lebih soalnnya adalah sebagai berikut..

Chapter 1
Options With Highlight Colours are Correct Answer
1. Which of the following descriptions are true regarding the management connections on a Cisco router?
(Choose three.)
Manakah dari uraian berikut ini yang benar tentang koneksi manajemen pada router Cisco?
􀂇 They are non-network connections. Mereka adalah non-koneksi jaringan.
􀂇 They are used to connect the router to the rest of the production network.
􀂇 They are synchronous serial ports.
􀂇 They are used for initial router configuration. Mereka adalah port serial sinkron.
􀂇 They are asynchronous serial ports. Mereka digunakan untuk konfigurasi router awal.
􀂇 They are accessed using their assigned IP address.

2. The console port can be used for which of the following? (Choose three.) Port konsol dapat digunakan adalah sebagai berikuti?
􀂇 debugging. debugging.
􀂇 password recovery. pemulihan password.
􀂇 routing data between networks.
􀂇 troubleshooting. pemecahan masalah.
􀂇 connecting one router to another.

3. Which of the following describes the function of a WAN? Manakah dari berikut ini menggambarkan fungsi dari WAN?
􀂇 connects peripherals in a single location.
􀂇 connects multiple networks in a single building.
􀂇 provides connectivity on a LAN.
􀂇 provides connectivity over a large geographic area. menyediakan konektivitas di wilayah geografis yang luas.

4. An internetwork must include which of the following? (Choose three.) Sebuah internetwork harus mencakup?
􀂇 switching.
􀂇 static addressing.
􀂇 IETF standardization.
􀂇 dynamic or static routing.
􀂇 consistent end-to-end addressing.

5. ABC Company just purchased three new routers to start their company network. Which items are needed to establish a terminal session between a PC and the router for the initial configuration? (Choose three.) Perusahaan ABC  baru saja membeli tiga router baru untuk memulai jaringan perusahaan mereka. Item yang diperlukan untuk mendirikan sebuah sesi terminal antara PC dan router untuk konfigurasi awal adalah?
􀂇 straight-through cable.
􀂇 terminal emulation software.
􀂇 rollover cable.
􀂇 RJ-45 to DB-9 connector.
􀂇 V.35 cable.

6.Terminal emulation software, such as HyperTerminal, can be used to configure a router. Which of the
following HyperTerminal options shown in the graphic are correctly set to allow configuration of a Cisco
router? (Choose three.) Terminal Emulasi software , seperti HyperTerminal, dapat digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasi router. Manakah dari pilihan HyperTerminal mengikuti ditampilkan dalam grafik dengan benar diatur untuk memungkinkan konfigurasi dari Cisco router?
􀂇 bits per second.
􀂇 data bits.
􀂇 parity.
􀂇 stop bits.
􀂇 flow control.

7. Which of the following devices are used in the construction of a WAN? (Choose three.) Manakah dari perangkat berikut digunakan dalam pembangunan WAN?
􀂇 hubs.
􀂇 routers.
􀂇 communication servers.
􀂇 transceivers.
􀂇 modems.
􀂇 multi-port repeaters.

8. Which of the following are functions of RAM? (Choose three.) Manakah dari berikut ini adalah fungsi dari RAM?
􀂇 contains startup configuration file.
􀂇 stores routing table.
􀂇 holds fast switching cache.
􀂇 retains contents when power is removed.
􀂇 stores running configuration file.

9. Why is a console connection to a router or switch preferred when troubleshooting? (Choose two.) Mengapa koneksi konsol ke router atau switch pilihan ketika masalah?
􀂇 can be accessed remotely.
􀂇 does not depend on network services. tidak tergantung pada layanan jaringan.
􀂇 displays startup and error messages by default.menampilkan startup dan pesan kesalahan secara default.
􀂇 does not require special components.

10. Which basic components do a router and a standard desktop PC have in common? (Choose three.) Yang merupakan  komponen dasar melakukan router dan standar PC desktop yang memiliki kesamaan?
􀂇 CPU.
􀂇 hard drive.
􀂇 input/output interfaces.
􀂇 keyboard.
􀂇 monitor.
􀂇 system bus.

11. During the initial configuration of a 2600 series Cisco router, which cable is required for connecting a PC to the console port? Selama konfigurasi awal dari Cisco 2600 series router, kabel mana yang diperlukan untuk menghubungkan PC ke port konsol?
􀂇 twisted.
􀂇 crossover.
􀂇 rollover.
􀂇 straight.

12. A router is composed of many internal components. Which of the following components stores a copy of the router's configuration file? Router terdiri dari banyak komponen internal. Manakah dari komponen-komponen berikut menyimpan salinan router file konfigurasi?
􀂇 metal-oxide memory.
􀂇 read only memory.
􀂇 flash memory.
􀂇 non-volatile random access memory.

13. What contains the instructions that a router uses to control the flow of traffic through its interfaces? Apa yang berisi instruksi yang menggunakan router untuk mengontrol arus lalu lintas melalui interface-nya?
􀂇 packet configuration.
􀂇 configuration files.
􀂇 flash memory.
􀂇 internal components.

14. Several Ethernet hosts on a LAN need the gateway services of a Cisco 2500 series router. Which of the following would be needed to physically connect a router to all of the hosts on the LAN? (Choose two.) Beberapa Ethernet host pada LAN membutuhkan jasa gateway dari  Cisco 2500 router seri. Manakah dari berikut akan diperlukan untuk secara fisik menghubungkan router ke semua host di LAN?
􀂇 a crossover cable between the transceiver on a router and a switch.
􀂇 a crossover cables between a switch and hosts on a LAN.
􀂇 a straight-through cable between the auxiliary port on a router and a switch.
􀂇 a rollover cable between the console port on a router and a switch.
􀂇 straight-through cables between a switch and hosts on a LAN. Kabel straight-through antara switch dan host pada LAN.
􀂇 a straight-through cable between the transceiver on a router and a switch. kabel straight-through antara transceiver pada router dan switch.

15. Which router component holds the configuration file when power is lost? Manakah komponen router  yang memegang file konfigurasi saat listrik terputus?
􀂇 volatile random access memory.
􀂇 read only memory.
􀂇 non-volatile random access memory.
􀂇 flash memory.

16. Which of the following layers of the OSI model are incorporated in WAN standards? (Choose two.) Manakah komponen router yang memegang file konfigurasi saat listrik terputus?
􀂇 physical layer.
􀂇 application layer.
􀂇 transport layer.
􀂇 data link layer.
􀂇 session layer.

17. Which of the following are true regarding router interfaces? (Choose three.) Manakah dari berikut ini benar mengenai interface router?
􀂇 provide temporary memory for the router configuration files.
􀂇 connect the router to the network for packet entry and exit. menghubungkan router ke jaringan untuk masuk dan keluar paket.
􀂇 can be on the motherboard or a separate module. bisa pada motherboard atau modul terpisah.
􀂇 hold the IOS image.
􀂇 connect the router to LANs and WANs. menghubungkan router ke LAN dan WAN.        

18. Which of the following tasks can be accomplished through a management connection on a router?
(Choose three.) Manakah dari tugas-tugas berikut dapat dicapai melalui koneksi manajemen pada router?
􀂇 troubleshooting problems.
􀂇 monitoring the system.
􀂇 capturing LAN data packets.
􀂇 configuring the router.
􀂇 routing data packets.

19. What do routers use to select the best path for outgoing data packets? Apa yang dinggunakan router untuk memilih jalur terbaik untuk paket data keluar?
􀂇 ARP tables.
􀂇 bridging tables.
􀂇 routing tables.
􀂇 switching tables.

20. Which of the following are functions of NVRAM? (Choose two.) Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan fungsi dari NVRAM?
􀂇 stores the routing table.
􀂇 retains contents when power is removed. mempertahankan isi ketika kekuasaan akan dihapus.
􀂇 stores the startup configuration file. menyimpan file konfigurasi startup.
􀂇 contains the running configuration file.
􀂇 stores the ARP table.

21. Select the statements that correctly describe flash memory in a 2600 series router? (Choose two.) Pilih pernyataan yang benar yang menggambarkan memori flash dalam router seri 2600?
􀂇 holds the startup configuration by default.
􀂇 can be upgraded with single in-line memory modules. dapat ditingkatkan dengan single in-line modul memori.
􀂇 stores Cisco IOS software images. Menyediakan Cisco IOS software gambar.
􀂇 stores routing table information by default.
􀂇 maintains the only copy of an IOS image after the router is booted.

selanjutnya adalah Chapter 2 !

1 komentar:

  1. anak PNJ juga ya? angkatan tahun berapa? jur elektro apa tkj?
