Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Cisco CCNA-1 Chapter 4

terakhir sesi ini Chapter 4 !

Chapter 4
hlight Colours are Correct Answer
1. Based on the transport layer header shown in the diagram, which of the following statements describe the established session? (Choose two.) Berdasarkan pada header layer transport ditunjukkan dalam diagram, mana dari pernyataan berikut menggambarkan didirikan sesion?
􀂇 This is a UDP header.
􀂇 This contains a Telnet request. berisi permintaan Telnet.
􀂇 This contains a TFTP data transfer.
􀂇 The return packet from this remote host will have an Acknowledgement Number of 43693.
􀂇 This is a TCP header. Merupakan sebuah TCP header

2. With TCP/IP data encapsulation, which range of port numbers identifies all well-known applications? Dengan TCP / IP enkapsulasi data, yang berkisar dari nomor port mengidentifikasi semua aplikasi?
􀂇 0 to 255
􀂇 256 to 1022
􀂇 0 to 1023
􀂇 1024 to 2047
􀂇 49153 to 65535

3. Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment? Mengapa nomor port termasuk dalam header TCP dari segmen?
􀂇 to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
􀂇 to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
􀂇 to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
􀂇 to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application memungkinkan host penerima untuk meneruskan data ke aplikasi yang sesuai
􀂇 to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order

4. Which OSI model layer is responsible for regulating the flow of information from source to destination, reliably and accurately? Layer  model OSI bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur arus informasi dari sumber ke tujuan, andal dan akurat?
􀂇 application
􀂇 presentation
􀂇 session
􀂇 transport
􀂇 network

5. Refer to the exhibit. Host A is using FTP to download a large file from Server 1. During the download
process, Server 1 does not receive an acknowledgment from Host A for several bytes of transferred data.
What action will Server 1 take as a result? Host A menggunakan FTP untuk men-download file besar dari Server 1. Selama proses download, Server 1 tidak menerima pengakuan dari Host A untuk beberapa byte data yang ditransfer. Tindakan apa yang akan mengambil Server 1 sebagai hasilnya?
􀂇 create a Layer 1 jam signal
􀂇 reach a timeout and resend the data that needs to be acknowledged mencapai timeout dan mengirim ulang data yang perlu diakui
􀂇 send a RESET bit to the host
􀂇 change the window size in the Layer 4 header
6. Why is flow control used for TCP data transfer? Mengapa kontrol aliran digunakan untuk transfer data TCP?
􀂇 to synchronize equipment speed for sent data
􀂇 to synchronize and order sequence numbers so data is sent in complete numerical order
􀂇 to prevent the receiver from being overwhelmed by incoming data untuk mencegah penerima dari kelebihan data yang masuk
􀂇 to synchronize window size on the server
􀂇 to simplify data transfer to multiple hosts

7. Which two options represent Layer 4 addressing? (Choose two.) dua pilihan merupakan Layer 4 pengalamatan?
􀂇 identifies the destination network
􀂇 identifies source and destination hosts
􀂇 identifies the communicating applications mengidentifikasi komunikasi aplikasi - aplikasi
􀂇 identifies multiple conversations between the hosts mengidentifikasi beberapa percakapan antara host
􀂇 identifies the devices communicating over the local media

8. Refer to the exhibit. In line 7 of this Wireshark capture, what TCP operation is being performed? Line 7 ini capture Wireshark, operasi  yang  sedang dilakukan TCP adalah?
􀂇 session establishment pembentukan session
􀂇 segment retransmit
􀂇 data transfer
􀂇 session disconnect
􀂇 Bottom of Form

9. Refer to the exhibit. What two pieces of information can be determined from the output that is shown?
(Choose two.) Apa dua potongan informasi  yangdapat ditentukan dari output yang ditampilkan?
􀂇 The local host is using well-known port numbers to identify the source ports.
􀂇 A termination request has been sent to Sebuah permintaan penghentian telah dikirim ke
􀂇 Communication with is using HTTP Secure. Komunikasi dengan menggunakan HTTP aman.
􀂇 The local computer is accepting HTTP requests.
􀂇 is performing the three-way handshake with

10. What is dynamically selected by the source host when forwarding data? Apa yang seharusnnya dipilih oleh host sumber ketika memforward data?
􀂇 destination logical address
􀂇 source physical address
􀂇 default gateway address
􀂇 source port

11. What are two features of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)? (Choose two.) Apakah dua fitur User Datagram Protocol (UDP)?
􀂇 flow control
􀂇 low overhead
􀂇 connectionless
􀂇 connection-oriented
􀂇 sequence and acknowledgements

12. What mechanism is used by TCP to provide flow control as segments travel from source to destination? Mekanisme apa yang digunakan oleh TCP untuk menyediakan kontrol aliran segmen perjalanan dari sumber ke tujuan?
􀂇 sequence numbers
􀂇 session establishment
􀂇 window size
􀂇 acknowledgments

13. Which transport layer protocol provides low overhead and would be used for applications which do not
require reliable data delivery? Yang transport protokol lapisan menyediakan overhead yang rendah dan akan digunakan untuk aplikasi yang tidak memerlukan pengiriman data yang dapat diandalkan?
􀂇 IP

14. Which information is found in both the TCP and UDP header information? Informasi yang ditemukan di kedua TCP dan informasi UDP header?
􀂇 sequencing
􀂇 flow control
􀂇 acknowledgments
􀂇 source and destination sumber dan tujuan

15. Which three features allow TCP to reliably and accurately track the transmission of data from source to
destination? Tiga fitur yang memungkinkan TCP untuk andal dan akurat melacak transmisi data dari sumber ke tujuan?
􀂇 encapsulation
􀂇 flow control
􀂇 connectionless services
􀂇 session establishment
􀂇 numbering and sequencing
􀂇 best effort delivery

16. During a TCP communication session, if the packets arrive to the destination out of order, what will
happen to the original message? Selama TCP komunikasi sesion, jika paket tiba ke tujuan rusak, apa yang akan terjadi pada pesan asli?
􀂇 The packets will not be delivered.
􀂇 The packets will be retransmitted from the source.
􀂇 The packets will be delivered and reassembled at the destination. Paket-paket akan dikirim dan dipasang kembali di tempat tujuan.
􀂇 The packets will be delivered and not reassembled at the destination.

17. Which is an important characteristic of UDP? Yang merupakan karakteristik penting dari UDP?
􀂇 acknowledgement of data delivery
􀂇 minimal delays in data delivery minimal keterlambatan pengiriman data
􀂇 high reliability of data delivery
􀂇 same order data delivery

18. After a web browser makes a request to a web server that is listening to the standard port, what will be
the source port number in the TCP header of the response from the server? Setelah web browser membuat permintaan ke server web yang mendengarkan port standar, apa nomor port sumber dalam header TCP untuk  merespon dari server?
􀂇 13
􀂇 53
􀂇 80
􀂇 1024
􀂇 1728

19. Which event occurs during the transport layer three-way handshake? yang terjadi selama acara lapisan transport tiga-way handshake?
􀂇 The two applications exchange data.
􀂇 TCP initializes the sequence numbers for the sessions. TCP menginisialisasi nomor urutan untuk session
􀂇 UDP establishes the maximum number of bytes to be sent.
􀂇 The server acknowledges the bytes of data received from the client.

Semoga bermanfaat !!!

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